Ronald McDonald House Charities® of San Diego, Inc. logo

Make an Impact Every Month

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Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. See the FAQs below regarding tax deductability.

Your Monthly Donations Provide Moments that Matter throughout the Year

Your generous monthly gifts make a vital difference in helping families find stability and peace of mind during their child's medical crisis with lodging, meals, and more.

MOm and Dad looking at newborn
Monthly donation

Keeping Families Close

A $100 monthly gift can help fund family stays at San Diego's Ronald McDonald House, providing the comfort and welcome of a guest suite just steps from the hospital. A year of giving at this level qualifies for Giving Circles membership.
Family sharing a meal together
Monthly donation

Meals Together

An $84 monthly gift can help continue our daily meal services - providing hot, nutritious food at no cost to any family member with a hospitalized child. A year of giving at this level qualifies for Giving Circles membership.
Boy and Mom holding hands walking down the hallway
Monthly donation

Moments Shared

A $50 monthly gift can help take care of life's necessities, so parents can focus on helping their child heal.
Gigi in the hospital

Gigi at San Diego's Ronald McDonald House

Getting a Good Start for Gigi

At 20 weeks of pregnancy, Eliani Lawrence learned that the left side of her baby’s heart wasn’t developing. Doctors recommended she deliver in San Diego, where specialists would be available to give her the best chance for a healthy life.

While Gigi got the care she needed at the hospital—including a heart transplant— San Diego’s Ronald McDonald House helped her mom stay at Gigi’s side for her surgeries and recovery, far from her Hawaii home.

At the Ronald McDonald House, Eliani connected with other families as she navigated the ups and downs of Gigi’s medical needs while also attending to her older children. “It’s not just a place, it’s a community,” says Eliani. This community helped keep Eliani strong for 711 nights surrounding Gigi’s birth and treatment.

By giving me a “home away from home” to access the advanced medical care my baby needed, Ronald McDonald House supporters like you made it possible for Gigi to be alive and here today. – Eliani Lawrence

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